Our Friends
2024-2026 Leadership
Be Excellent Every Step (BEES)
Elected Officer

Tracy L. Swayne
Provide support to all Club Officers, Directors, CSP Chairs, and Members - Liason with North District, State, and International Organizations.
Elected Officer

Nina Williamson
Accuracy in recording the activities of the Club. Making of history is often not noted because it was not recorded.
Elected Officer - Director

Sara Runyans
Compiles and delivers the Newsletter to the Membership each month.
Standing Committee Chair

Julie Draper
Sheba Christopher
We care about our Members and their families. The Courtesy Chair is the heart of the Club.
Health & Wellness
CSP Chair

Nelian Creech
Julie Draper
Reaches individuals, families, and our community by providing opportunities and resources to address needs through volunteering and/or donations.
1st Vice President
Elected Officer

Sherry Miller
Compiles NAWC Member community activities throughout each Club year. Writes Reports and submits them by February 1st.
Elected Officer

Janice West
A position of trust and responsibility to keep the Membership informed about the financial status of the Club.
Elected Officer - Director

Tracy L. Swayne
The NAWC Website provides information to the public, and all current and historic Club information to Members.
Arts & Culture
CSP Chair

Sherry Miller
Create and contribute to art education and activities in the community.
Civic & Outreach
CSP Chair

Sara Runyans
Civic Engagement and Outreach: Longstanding advocacy and historic involvement through programs and projects relating to civic and social responsibilities.
2nd Vice President
Elected Officer

Sheba Christopher
Mindful of long-standing Members, new Members, and those hoped-for Members. Gracious hospitality makes a lasting impression.
Parliamentary Advisor
Elected Officer - Director

Kathy Davis-Chesser
Well schooled in parliamentary procedure and knowledgeable of NAWC By-Laws and Standing Rules. An advisor to the Club.
Hostess Coordinator
Standing Committee Chair

Sheba Christopher
Responsible for obtaining the monthly Hostesses. All Members serve as a Hostess at least one time during each Club year.
CSP Chair

Dawn Hartsfield
Gain an understanding and appreciation of all aspects of our environment and the world’s resources…natural and man-made.
3rd Vice President
Elected Officer
Responsible for Overseeing the Club and Community Fundraisers.
Elected Officer - Director

Tracy L. Swayne
The HWC Handbook is prepared each year, posted electronically on the NAWC Website Member area, and printed for new Members.
Standing Committee Chair
Inform Sister Clubs, the community, State, and International about NAWC activities.
Libraries & Education
CSP Chair

Shanna David
Improves literacy and education awareness at home, in our community, and around the world.